Sunday, April 8, 2012

Let's catch up.

Another weekend has come and gone.
It's a tad depressing. The work to weekend
ratio is so wrong. 

Just to catch you up on my past week,
here is my life in photos.

Lots of Larabars around here.

I went to the Celtics vs. Spurs game Wednesday.

 we lost by a point. Grrrrr.

 I worked from Portland on Friday. It included
eating a seafood lunch at a local restaurant.

Being home means a house full of dogs. George loves it and he
loves Bruno. They have a real bromance going on.

We went egg hunting today. I was trying to keep up with
this girl.

The Easter Bunny left 18 eggs. Lily swore he left more
somewhere but we didn't find them. So pesky!

Bruno was there to help/steal any leftovers.

Now I'm back in Boston relaxing for the evening.
I have a real busy week and I'm back on the running.
I really need to start doing two-a-days on Sundays in order
to be ready for the race. This week I'll keep it easy since
I haven't been running in two weeks.

Monday- body pump (if I wake up!)
Zumba in the pm.
Tuesday- 4 miles
Wednesday- cardio and weights
Thursday- 4 miles or spinning
Friday- 4 miles and weights
Saturday- easy gym day
Sunday- 4 miles (might try 4 in the am and 4 in the pm)

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