Happy Mother's day to all the awesome
mom's out there. Including mine.
A weekend in Boston was over due.
I spent Friday resting up but Saturday-
I got my run on. I needed to test my
legs since my big race is coming up this
weekend. Yep-15 big ones. But I bought
something to try and help me.
Compression sleeves. Did they help? A little.
They work enough that my pain is mild and dull.
They helped enough to allow me to knock out 6 miles.
I finished my run and devoured a Life Alive wrap.
Hot & Healthy Bachelor if you need to know.
I got my act together and ran over to Casey's for
her birthday pub crawl. It was a Golf theme and
everyone did a great job fitting to the theme.
My tan is ridiculous. It's more like a farmers tan/burn.
I was going for a country club housewife look. It
I checked out of the party after 5+ hours drinking.
I tried to detox this week so 5 beers over 5ish hours
was enough to make my trek home interesting.
I was apparently really tired since I passed out in my
get up and got 11 hours of sleep. Think that's enough?
I wanted to take George for a nice hike today
to see how he would do. He still hates people
and gets pretty scared when he sees anyone.
But he did great! He was a rock star on the trails.
Everyone stopped me to tell me how beautiful he is.
And I agree. So we hiked the trails. Sniffed around.
Saw some cool trees and nature.
But George was a hot dog. And he refused to drink the
water I brought. Was he holding out for Evian?
Nope. He was holding out for the local creek water
that he also decided to just lay in to cool off.
I didn't blame him.. I was wishing I could join him.
It was a great mother's day spent with George. Now
I'm off to do Sunday things... laundry and cleaning.
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