In case you were unaware, it's November.
This means you have less than 2 months to
shop. This is actually my favorite time of the
year. Not because of the gifts. But for the
family aspect. I love spending time inside
with my family watching movies. It's a nice
time of year to be reminded that family is great!
With that said, it is also the time of year to
shop your heart out. I compiled a list of my
favorites for this holiday season.
1- Puffer Coat
I live in Boston. I walk to work.
It gets really freaking cold. I need a
better, smarter jacket to keep me warm.
Practical choice? Yes! Mine will come
from L.L. Bean of course.
2- Burt's Bee's
I once read that Halle Berry uses this.
If it makes me look as good as her,
I'm game. But really, I love their
organic shampoo and bodywash.
3- Steve Jobs Biography
I have a real serious addiction to this man. I find
him intriguing and I can't get enough of him. I'm
excited to read this book and learn more about
the real Steve Job's. The man behind the life
changing innovations.
4-Forerunner 305
I'm always trying to get myself really into
running. I'm pretty good now but I'd like to
improve my outdoor running. This baby could
make it happen.
5- Hiking Backpack
This is a weird choice. But I have this
idea that with it, I'll start hiking way more.
Maybe I don't need one this large but just
one big enough for a couple days. I love hiking.
I'm planning to hikeKilimanjaro with my good
friend, Laura.
6- Burberry Brit
This is my scent. I love it. In fact-
I'm miserable right now without
7- Cash Money
I am going to Thailand, Cambodia and now
London. Today we made a choice
that we should have a 36 hour stop over
in London. And well.. traveling cost money.
I like to eat after all.
These are just a few of my favorite things
this year. What's on your list? I'd add a
dog to mine but I can't have it yet due to
the traveling.
True story- I tried to volunteer at an
animal shelter outside of the city. They denied
me because they were worried about me
driving in the winter. All I want to do is
walk dogs on the weekend!
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